Welcome to MKRUG (Macedonian Ruby User Group) – a community of Ruby programmers and anyone who is interested in the Ruby programming language. You can join our mailing list and follow us on Twitter @mk_rug.

Ruby tracing tool with Vim integration and TDD

Date and place: 31st July, 7pm - 9pm, Hacklab KIKA.

TDD: Why, When and How

Ile Eftimov will present on how to test Ruby and Rails applications, some overview of best practices, and a general discussion about testing production code.

Ruby tracing tool with Vim integration

Dalibor Nasevic...

Ruby.mk turns five!

Dear friends

On 13th of July Ruby.mk turns five! 

It’s been exciting five years of Ruby.mk. We held install fests, lots of meetups, presetations, Rails Girls and so on. Our next goal is to celebrate those 5 years as best as we can. Therefore, we are organizing a drinkup!
